Total Award amount: EUR 165,000.-
Duration: 36 months
Deadline: to be announced (2026)
The goal of this grant is to promote the career of established principle investigators together with young dermatologists interested in a MD-PhD education.
- Eligible for application are principle investigators affiliated with an academic institution (university) in Austria
- Of particularly high interest are proposals for the study of pathogenesis, epidemiology, new therapeutic approaches and outcomes research of diseases.
- If an application is successfully reviewed and a research grant is awarded by the OeGDV, the requested MD-PhD position may only be filled by an individual who has completed dermatology residency training, is in dermatology residency training, or has a definitive institutional commitment to a training position.
- The MD-PhD training of a recruited candidate must be embedded in an established PhD program of an academic institution in Austria according to existing regulations.
- In accordance with the existing rules of Austrian universities for paid PhD education, the budget covers a 3-year appointment with 75% employment and bench fees.
Decisions are taken by the Scientific Committee ("Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss") of the ÖGDV based on a peer-review process involving at least two international referees. Selection criteria include, but are not limited to:
• Relevance of research question being asked
• Feasibility - can the aims and objectives be met within the time-frame and with the funding requested
• Potential for innovation
• Potential for future career progress (Procurement of further funding and publication)
APPLICATION MATERIAL (written in English language)
The project description (max. 20 pages) must contain the following components:
- Table of contents
- Abstracts (3000 characters)
- Status of relevant international research (including own preliminary work, if applicable) and relation of the project to this context
- Clearly defined objectives of the project and hypothesis(es) or scientific question(s)
- Description of the expected degree of novelty or scientific innovation of the project
- Methodology
- Detailed plan for statistical analysis where applicable
- Risk mitigation and contingency planning
- Associated research partners (if applicable): Description of the associated research partner's contribution to the planned project; associated research partners must be listed in the Associated Research Partner form.
Intended national and/or international cooperation partners (if applicable): It must be specified which cooperation partners are intended and what the subject of the intended cooperation(s) or contribution to the project is. All national and/or international cooperation partners specified as essential must be listed with corresponding information in the other cooperation form (one form per cooperation partner). - Work and time planning
- Project-relevant scientific qualification of the scientists involved
- All potential ethical, safety-related or regulatory aspects of the submitted project and the planned handling of these must be described in a separate section. If, in the opinion of the applicant, the project does not raise any such issues, this must be justified.
- All potential sex- and gender-relevant components in the planned project. How will these be integrated into the research approach? In any case, this complex of topics should be briefly addressed in a separate section of the text - even if, in the opinion of the applicant, the project does not contain any such components.
• Appendix 1: List of literature cited in the application ("References") on max. five pages
• Appendix 2: Financial aspects: The template from the FWF application guidelines (Appendix A) must be used for this purpose. The information provided must be comprehensible to the OeGDV and the reviewers. Incomprehensible information may lead to reductions in the funding amount. The lists and justifications for the requested funds must correspond to the costs listed in the cost breakdown form.
- Details on the research institution of the applicant and of national research partners:
- Description of existing personnel, usually the principle investigator and research personnel at the research site(s)
- Existing infrastructure - Information on the funding requested: Listing and justification for
- Personnel costs
- Equipment costs
- Material costs
- Travel costs
- Other cost (including independent contracts for work and services)
• Appendix 3: Scientific CVs and description of the previous research achievements of the project leader and a maximum of three other key project participants (max. three pages per person).
• Annex 4 (optional): Cooperation letters (max. one page per letter) from national and international cooperation partners who are clearly listed in the project description as essential for project implementation.
Additional documents:
- PI_publication.pdf: Naming of exactly two publications by the applicant that fulfill the general requirements for submitting an application, according to FWF prerequisites. This information will be used to assess the applicant's eligibility to apply.
- Publication_lists.pdf: A list of all scientific publications of the last five years (divided into "Quality-assured publications" and "Other publications") must be uploaded in a PDF document as publication_list.pdf for all project participants for whom a scientific curriculum vitae is attached, as well as for all scientific project staff for whom personnel costs are requested.
- Cover_Letter.pdf - Letter accompanying the application
- Negative_list.pdf - List with names of reviewers who are to be excluded from the review of the application (max. three names, including a short justification)
All materials to be submitted to the OeGDV office via e-mail to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
- Human ethics and animal protocol approvals are prerequisite for the transfer of funds.
- National and international collaborations are desirable.
- At the time of project start, 50% of funds will be transferred to a research account of the institution, and thereafter further funds upon request by the principal investigator. The funds are exclusively awarded to the applicant and cannot be used for other purposes. No indirect cost can be financed.
- Applicant must notify ÖGDV about co-financing of the same project by other sources.
- In case of change of institution the grant can only be transferred upon agreement by the ÖGDV
- Flexible use of funds with respect to personal versus reagent costs, but must be explained. No money transfer one year after end of project.
- At the earliest of 12 months after project start a research report must be submitted before more funds can be transferred.
- Funds not used according to the submitted research proposal must be returned to the ÖGDV within 4 weeks of notification by the ÖGDV.
- After completion of the project, a final budget must be submitted.
Publications must contain an acknowledgement: “This research was supported in part by a MD-PhD research grant of the Austrian Society of Dermatology and Venereology”.
Document Version: 2024-12-17
MD-PhD Research Grant Guidelines / Ausschreibungsrichtlinien